
24 Pages 210x210mm

LEWIS NOBLE WHITE PEAK / DARK PEAK Lewis Noble has lived and worked in Derbyshire for over twenty years and it is now very much his home. This body of work is drawn from the diverse nature of Derbyshire's Peak District. The southern limestone area known as White Peak and the northern gritstone Dark Peak. The White Peak is the more gentle landscape around Dovedale and Wolfscote Dale. The river flowing over the weirs at Milldale and Bradford Dale are particular favourites. The northern peak is wilder, around Kinder, Edale and Mam Tor. A climb up Jacob's Ladder (a steep footpath on Kinder Scout ) is rewarded with panoramic views. Working outside is a key part of Noble's work. Painting and sketching in the landscape allows freedom of expression while retaining a solid foundation in observation. Combining the individual properties of different materials (watercolour, gouache, acrylic) provides a lot of scope for experimentation.

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